Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year Newness

I am so excited for this new year. 2009 is sure to bring many exciting new things here at Big Shots Photography. I have plans in the works for blog tweaks you're sure to notice. I am going to be announcing my own FIRST EVER blog contest in the next few days! I enjoyed participating in the world-wide "Giving is Awesome" contest so much that I decided to host some contests of my own. And YOU CAN WIN FREE PHOTOGRAPHY!!!

Outside of the blog, I will be hanging my work in TWO more establishments and will be giving you a preview of the images that will be displayed. That's just a snippet of what's coming. There's SO MUCH MORE!

I'd love to hear your comments/feedback on my blog so far. What do you like? What would you like to see in addition to or more of? Comment below in the comment section or send me an email at

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