My first name is: Jen
I go to school at: Sycamore High School
My graduation date is: June 2011
The last thing I ate was: Carrot Cake
My dream job: Psychologist or Counselor
My favorite music/artist: My all time favorite is the Red Hot Chili Peppers, but also Incubus and Jack Johnson
My favorite thing in my closet: sundresses! and anything from Nordstrom pretty much!
My favorite pastime: hanging out with friends or relaxing
My favorite word: I can’t really think of one
My favorite website: Facebook
My favorite magazine: People or Cosmo
My favorite place to shop: Nordstrom or Urban Outfitters
My favorite high school moment: Going to Europe with my history class last year on spring break with a bunch of my close friends :)
I have never… seen the Pacific Ocean
If I had $1,000 I would… maybe shop a little bit but save most of it… or go on a trip
I love Big Shots Photography and working with Marla because: You aren’t confined to taking cheesy posed pictures and you are free to just pretty much be yourself. Also you aren’t stuck in a studio taking pictures that look exactly like everyone elses!