My first name is: Caitlin
I go to school at: Sycamore High School
My graduation date is: 2012
The last thing I ate was: An Everything Bagel
My dream job: To be an Art Professor
My favorite music/artist: Janice Joplin
My favorite thing in my closet: My tall brown cowgirl boots
My favorite pastime: Making art
My favorite word: Fudge Monkeys
My favorite website:
My favorite magazine: NYLON
My favorite high school moment: U4U idance! Sooooo funn!
I have never… given blood, I’m deathly afraid of needles!!
If I had $1,000 I would… fund a program that brings art into children’s lives. Many schools are cutting incredibly important programs designed to help kids express their creative ability purely because their levies are not being passed thus not providing them with enough money for the arts.
I love Big Shots Photography and working with Marla because: She’s soooo sweet and amazing! She has awesome ideas and is pretty much fearless! Haha, Marla has a great ability to make everything fun including jumping on dumpy mattresses :) inside joke ;) She has a great personality and is generally AWESOME! I can’t think of any reasons why anyone wouldn’t love Big Shots and working with Marla!